A delicious potato salad from Austria courtesy of
Irmi Rettenbacher
3lb of salad potato
salt and black pepper
1 dessert spoon sugar
2 dessert spoons Essig, light vinegar 7.5% acidity
2 dessert spoons Dyon mustard
1 onion white
chives chopped, to taste, if you wish
1 dessert spoon of rapsead oil
vegetable stock cube (melted in approximately 300 ml)
Cook the potatoes in boiling water, do not peel before hand, the potato should be cooked but firm. Allow to cool slightly and peel while still warm, then cut into thickish slices, make the stock using the stock cube and add plenty of salt and pepper, the sugar, 2 to 3 teaspoons on mustard, the peeled and chop the onion to potatoes along with the oil and vinegar and one cup of the stock
stir together and taste adding more stock, or oil, or vinegar as you wish