Guernsey Gâche
The traditional Guernsey Gâche is more like a fruit bread than a cake.
A traditional part of afternoon teas in the island, it is often served toasted with Guernsey butter spread on top.

I am pretty sure I have posted this before, but felt I should include it as its a great fruit cake/bread..
1lb plain flour ½lb Guernsey butter 12oz sultanas 2oz mixed peel 1oz fresh yeast 1tsp sugar 1tsp salt ½ pint warm water
Sieve together the flour and salt and stand the bowl in a warm place.
Cream together the yeast and sugar, add a little water and leave in a warm place for a few minutes.
Rub the fat into the flour, make a well in the centre and add the yeast mixture and gradually add the rest of the water to make a very soft dough.
Lastly fold in the fruit.
Cover and leave to prove in a warm place for one and a half to two hours.
Turn the mix into a 1lb loaf tin.
Bake for thirty minutes at 220°C (Gas seven), then lower to 200°C (Gas 6) for a further thirty minutes.
Serve sliced, possibly toasted, and buttered.