Arroz con leche
Spanish rice pudding (arroz con leche)
Spanish rice pudding, or 'arroz con leche'
is a sweet creamy dessert.
Serves 4-6
1 litre whole milk
the rind of ½ a lemon and ½ an orange, cut into large strips
1 cinnamon stick
125g calasparra (or other medium-grain) rice
50g caster sugar
ground cinnamon, for top
for the sugared citrus peel
the rind of ½ a lemon and ½ an orange, cut into long, thin strips
50g granulated sugar
• First make the sugared citrus peel, to decorate the dish. Blanch the thin strips of rind to remove their bitterness by putting them in a small pan of boiling water for one minute. Remove with a slotted spoon and run under cold water. Put 200ml water and the sugar in a heavy-bottomed pan.
• Warm over a low heat to melt the sugar, then add the citrus peel and simmer for about 20 minutes so the syrup reduces and thickens. Leave to cool.
• Put the milk, the large strips of orange and lemon peel and the cinnamon stick in a pan. Bring to the boil, take the pan off the heat and add the rice and sugar. Cook on a medium heat for five minutes, stirring and watching carefully so that it doesn’t boil over or burn. Turn down the heat to low and cook for 40 minutes, stirring often, and constantly towards the end. Once cooked, remove the fruit peel and cinnamon stick.
• The texture of the rice pudding will be quite liquid. Leave it to cool, then store it in the fridge – to prevent a skin forming, cover the dish with some clingfilm. The rice pudding should be left for at least three hours, ideally 24 hours, before serving. During this time the rice will absorb more of the citrusy milk and will take on a texture similar to a normal rice pudding, although it will never be as thick as the British version.
• Decorate the final dish or individual servings with the citrus strips and some sprinkles of ground cinnamon.